In exceptional condition for this difficult issue
Los 1616
Theodore I Comnenus-Lascaris, emperor of Nicaea, 1208-1222. Aspron Trachy (Electrum, 34 mm, 3.61 g, 6 h), Nicaea. IC - XC Nimbate Christ enthroned facing, wearing tunic and pallium, raising his right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in his left. Rev. St. Demetrius, nimbate and in military attire on the right, and Theodore, bearded and on the left, standing facing, each holding sheathed sword and supporting, between them, a staff surmounted by eight-pointed star; to left and right, traces of legend. DOC 2.1. SB 2064. A lightly toned example and in exceptional condition for this difficult issue. Faint scratchje and with light doubling on the obverse, otherwise, extremely fine.

From an American collection and the S&S Collection, Classical Numismatic Group E-Auction 531, 26 January 2023, 1249.
75 CHF
900 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 08-Sep-24, 15:01:00 CEST
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